Strategic Management is the core course for students whose major is business
administration. It is a comprehensive course, which integrates knowledge from
other business courses. Students can apply the business concepts and theoretical
tools in the firm management practice issues by learning the strategic management.
The course content includes: strategic thinking model, the mission of strategic
management, different levels of strategy and their issues, internal analysis and
external analysis for strategy decision making, how to make strategy alternatives,
and how to evaluate the strategies and make choice. We also introduce the
competitive strategy dynamics and strategy implementation. The course includes
all the theoretical issue of strategic management, which will arm students with a
whole picture about strategic management. Different teaching methods, such as
lecturing, case study, computer simulation, and role acting, are applied in this
course. The most difference of this course in comparison with others is that we
highlight experience teaching throughout the courses and take exercises for all the
concepts of strategic management, to make the study effectively.
1.1 战略管理
1.2 经营环境、竞争优势与企业战略
1.3 企业战略的特点
1.4 企业战略决策的思维模式
1.5 企业战略管理的性质和特点
1.6 企业战略管理者
2.1 外部环境的构成及相互关系
2.2 一般外部环境分析
2.3 市场与行业环境分析
2.4 竞争环境分析
3.1 内部环境分析的目的与过程
3.2 企业历史与现行战略分析
3.3 资源分析
3.4 能力分析
3.5 核心专长
3.6 SWOT模型分析
4.1 企业的战略意图
4.2 企业的宗旨陈述
4.3 企业的目标
4.4 影响战略意图、宗旨和目标制定有效性的因素
5.1 经营级战略的性质和特点
5.2 基本定位战略
5.3 独特性定位战略(1)
5.4 独特性定位战略(2)
5.5 动态竞争战略
6.1 公司级战略的性质和特点
6.2 行业组合战略(1)
6.3 行业组合战略(2)
6.4 公司级战略决策:组合管理
6.5 多元化战略的实施
7.1 企业国际化战略的性质和特点
7.2 企业国际化的动因
7.3 企业国际化的优势
7.4 企业国际化进入方式及其选择
7.5 企业国际化的战略选择
7.6 企业国际化战略选择的影响因素
7.7 企业国际化的管理模式
8.1 战略联盟
8.2 公司并购
8.3 企业重组
9.1 企业战略实施的要求
9.2 战略实施的目标和计划体系
9.3 战略实施的职能支持系统
9.4 战略实施过程中的决策保障机制